Note: Before you think that I am just totally bashing social sites and networks, do know this. I am not saying that social networks are evil or harmful. Hell, even I enjoy making my presence known within them from time to time for a little social fun. I am just saying be weary, see with open minds and see how you and your very mind's may be attempted to be played upon by those with life altering agendas. Just a small part of a much larger puzzle. Puzzle piece number one, break down the minds of the masses and bestow wicked wills within them. So it be wise to stay focused on what the goal of this puzzle piece is. Know what you are taking in. Water is good for you, but too much can drown you. Most of these sites may be started by people just like you and me, but once they get big and gain a huge following large enough to peak the big wigs interest, 9 out 10 times they are bought out, and guess by whom? Yup, Cooperate America. That is when the intention is shifted from more than just good social fun. If you are pulled in too deep and your mind is manipulated by the suggested influences then you may not see the big picture and thus become subliminally controlled and believe that your thoughts, actions and very lives are yours when in fact, they're not and being guided (or should I say misguided). Not just social sites but anything that the FCC regulates, which is pretty much everything.
What sites like FB, myspace and twitter means to me. yeah, this may be a bit long so I hope you feel like reading lol. It is just another form of medium to condition people's mind. See, the people who control or have a GREAT influence on what people see, hear and more importantly, take in(let's say the FCC) would love to keep people in a state of not thinking too hard. Why? because it is so much easier to have control over and influence those who don't think too hard lol. Rather than have people to do something like say read informative books or information that would enlighten or enhance mental values, they would very much rather keep people's minds on useless things such as tweeting about being at some store trying to decide on what pair of too expensive shoes to buy with their new highly over priced pants and $5 cotton shirt with the $60 name on it they just bought. Maybe even sitting at home watching some reality show (which in my opinion is kind da weird). Here we are with lives to live but yet compelled to watch the lifestyle of others who practically do nothing more than live out some over or under exaggerated living arrangement in the public's eye. So you see, to have you sittin' right in front of a computer screen is a plus (I'd definitely consider the PC the ultimate successor to the boob tube lol) . It keep's you glued to one spot for excessive amounts of time and wasting away what could otherwise be considered as valuable time. It is truly like being in the Matrix, and unfortunately, just like Neo those who awaking from the matrix and realize the true world around them is way too few. Many people don't even get out and about much because of this. Yeah, there's just something about people gettin' together in person that makes minds click and spark just a little bit better. I know I have all of my best intellectual conversation with those outside of cyberspace in person. Many people are probably not gettin' much exercise because they are in front of a pc screen, lap top or even cell phone all day long. Just look at allll the distractions (or as they may want to call it, things to keep you occupied or from being bored) on these social sites. Games, pokes, winks, musics, ads, avatars (lol @ avatars), questions (do you think that so n so is nice?) connect from your mobile phones, comments, blah, blah, blah, this, that). Not only does many social sites keep people living within their digital limbo's, let's not even mention the massive amounts of information that is collected from such sites. It's bad enough with all the personal info needed just to sign up to such sites (age, location, religious belief's, sexual preference, blah, blah, blah, etc. etc). All data used for behavioral pattern's & monitoring I'd bet)but the volunteered info that people freely share on these sites is inconceivable and a great added bonus (and you best believe as always, big brother is watching)- smh. They're also able to hit you with all types of ads that keep's people feeling as if they just got to have the newest and latest technologies, fashions and what ever else it is that they may want to make you feel like you really NEED to have to fit in (oh yeah, I can be a deep mother -shut my mouth! No, I won't shut my mouth...Fucker:-). That is why people can't function without things like their cell phones that seem to do everything from letting you go online, watch movies to frying your pork chops and bringing you a beer. Here is just a small example of how such things as a simple cell phone tends to make the human mind just bad bit more lazier. How many times have you seen people lose a cell phone or the data within it and was stuck like Chuck, and straight fucked? Many times right? Because with cell phones, many people don't bother to memorize phone numbers anymore, or memos like we used to have to do before such technologies (not saying that it is a useless method but definitely relied upon way too much and solely). Most people just program it and feel as if they got it. There is no substitution for the human mind people, and something as simple as memorizing numbers is good exercise for the mind (the more you feed your mind the more brilliant it becomes). A very simple concept just as lifting weights can make your muscles stronger. Now back to the point at hand. The dumber the mind becomes the better a puppet you'll make for those pulling the strings. Yup, that's right. It is an attempt (that is working quite well from the looks of things might I add) to keep us doing everything from texting, chattin', watching movies or television, browsing the web and listening to the radio (to name a few) to keep your mind distracted from doing something like reading that may get you thinking with your own free will. That is where something like FB, twitter, myspace and many other social networks play a very powerful role. Keep everyone connected and In tuned to similar interests as to keep everyone close and nestled up on the same ol dumb shit all day and night. Because you see, if people started thinking with their own true mind's then we just may begin to realize just how fucked over we are really gettin' with the lives that we live in this world. Then we may just start bonding together as a whole to take control of situations that our separation and ignorance makes us too weak to efficiently neutralize. That is the only way we can even really rise up against these fake ass shadow governments that fucks us everyday and smiles in are faces as they do it. Example of how that works is simple. Take BP for instance. Yeah, they are on some straight bull shit (lots of us know this), but if we as a people really wanted to do something about it, we could. We could band together and be like "Fuck BP" and stop financing their ass. If no one invests in BP, they lose their power and fade away into nothing. It is that simple. So see? The plans of the oppressors are quite brilliant I must say. Keep the masses together in a limbo of separation. To put it in simplest terms, the mass majority of the world are nothing more than puppets being controlled by the puppeteers. Sad but true. Think this is crazy? then think of it like this. Take your muscles, if you eat only junk foods, never exercise and just lay around then they will become flabby and weak. Do just the opposite and they will be solid and full of strength. Same thing applies to your brain. Hope that you enjoyed ready some of my random thoughts that I manifested into a blog with my very own mind. By the way, if you liked this just wait until you here some of my other theories, because frankly I don't think that our civilization of humans were smart enough to conjure up such elaborate methods of mass control over most the worlds population on their own at the time they started this operation a very long time ago. So stay tune for future blog post and I may just start gettin' all paranormal on your ass:-)
Final thoughts from me, Rebel XD. Sometimes it is hard to explain how one knows something. I do a lot of deep thinking, analyzing and philosophizing. I don't claim to know all the answers to everything but one thing I do know is that I trust my instinctive feelings for they are usually right. I am deeply in tuned to my spirituality and it guides me and keeps me elevating to new levels. Ever had a deep gut feeling that something about a certain situation just ain't right? That usually means that it isn't. I get it all the time. How about premonitions? Just the other day, I had a dream that had a buddy of mines in it that I haven't seen, or talked to in close to a year and later that same day, They called my phone. Things like that happens to me often also. I didn't premeditate the writing of this blog. It started off as a reply to a question I seen on face book (go figure:-) and my response was gettin' too deep for a mere comment reply so I ditched it and came to my blog and let my mind freely manifest it's thoughts into this piece that I so clear mindedly composed. May sound crazy but when you think about all the conspiracy theories, political cover ups, and hidden agendas that this country alone (America) has bestowed upon us, it may make you think...Just how far fetched does this blog really seem? I believe that we as humans should be capable of amazing maybe even unbelievable feats through a combination of mind, body and soul. If we use less then 10 percent of our minds capacity and are capable of doing magnificent things now, then what would 100 percent mind power be like? Absolutely God like. Ever see one of those movies where a selfish, greedy, shady, sinister type character may stumble upon some ability given source of power or enlightening attribute and wants to keep it for themselves so that they may become the supreme and dominate ruler of the world or perhaps the universe? Yeah, read this blog again and maybe you'll get an idea of a point that I am gettin' at. That's right, I know somebody hears me. Until the next time people, be safe, exercise your minds and most important of all- think:-)
Rebel XD
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
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Hey, you and I are a lot the sense that we sit in contemplation and think deeply and think and think and think...and go beyond...Many are that 'I want to appear to be intelligent' - a.k.a. the 'genius'..the media monkeys... I discovered you, because I wanted to get to the truth...I became suspicious about manipulation,with the media and manipulating what they want people to think and see with these music actors... I've been trying to resurface you, so to speak..Your record..
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